featuring Karla Fuller, Francisco Ramirez, Zelda Raygun (Doom Town & Country), Christy Nelson, Dan Fleming, John Kowalczyk, Brian Hibbard, Carol Rode-Curley, Marco Romantini, Ann Baer, Eric Hancock, Jeff Redmon, Willow Bayer, Roxane Mayeur & Maria Knier...PLUS work in the shop by Luke Chappelle, Ben Fairly, Brandon Nacke, Daniel Herro
In addition to the work hanging in the gallery, see studios & work of: Dara Larson, Terry Tayler, Emily Porter, Madeline Martin, Ann Hetzel, Sue Lawton, Stephanie Copoulos-Selle, Joe Bonelli. As always, when you buy from Scout Gallery, you are supporting both a small business and a local Milwaukee artist. (Contact us for shipping rates/questions.)